Insaf Org: 14,713 women, children victimized by American-Saudi assault

14,713 women and children have been victimized by the American-Saudi aggression on Yemen, Insaf Organization for Woman and Child Rights said on Thursday.

Throughout 3,500 days, the aggression killed 2,493 women and 4,133 children and left 3,059 women and 5,028 children with wounds, the rights group added in a report on aggression’s violations against children and women in Yemen, seen by Saba.

The aggressors committed 805 crimes against children and women in the Western Coast, including abductions and rapes, according to the report, as the aggression was behind an increase of 63% in gender-based violence among children.

The number of displaced persons increased to 740,122 families including 6.4 million women and children, the report read, noting that one of three displaced families is supported by a woman and 21% of these families are sustained by under-18-year girls.

Source: Yemen News Agency