Four Palestinian homeowners in the north of the West Bank receive Israeli military demolition orders

NABLUS, The Israeli military authorities today handed four Palestinian homeowners in the northern West Bank village of Roujib, five kilometers east of the city of Nablus, demolition orders against their homes on the pretext they were built in Area C, which is under full Israeli military control, according to Ghassan Daghlas, a Palestinian official who monitors settlement activities in the north of the West Bank.

Staff from the so-called Civil Administration, an arm of the Israeli military government, handed the four homeowners residents of Roujib stop-work orders against their homes and to bring back the area to the way it was before they started to build their homes, which means demolishing them.

The illegal Israeli settlement of Itamar was built on Roujib land and the campaign against the homes allegedly built in Area C is intended to keep the area clear of Palestinian development in order to expand the settlement.

Source: Palestinian News & Information Agency

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