The PA’s Jerusalem governor, under movement restriction by Israel, couldn’t attend his daughter’s wedding

The Palestinian Authority’s (PA) Governor of Jerusalem, Adnan Ghaith, whose movement is restricted by the Israeli occupation authorities, was not able yesterday to attend the wedding held in nearby Ramallah of his only daughter, Mona, and be with her on this important day in her life, but had to be content with seeing her off and wishing her happiness from their house in Silwan neighborhood in occupied East Jerusalem.

Ghaith has been under movement restriction for several months, including a ban from entering the West Bank and contacting Palestinian officials, as well as a ban on attending political meetings or gatherings in occupied Jerusalem.

Ghaith’s daughter and family have planned the wedding date on November 26, a few days after the current movement restriction order was supposed to expire, in order for her father o be able to attend her wedding planned at a hall in Ramallah, north of Jerusalem. The wedding date was actually postponed several times hoping that Ghaith will eventually have a chance to be at her wedding, which would not have been the only time he misses joyous family celebrations with his children due to either his movement restriction, house arrest, or imprisonment for his political activities.

But what happened was that the Israeli security summoned Ghaith for interrogation on Thursday, the day before the wedding, and after holding him at the Russian compound police station in West Jerusalem for several hours, issued him an extension on his movement restriction order for four more months, which meant he will not be able to attend his daughter’s wedding because otherwise he will be arrested and imprisoned for violation of the movement restriction order.

Ghaith, in a videotaped statement he made after his interrogation, condemned the timing of the Israeli decision, describing it as vindictive in order to prevent him and his family from celebrating his only daughter’s important day.

“The occupation authority intended to spoil our joy in the wedding of my daughter and therefore they insisted that I come today (Thursday) because they know that tomorrow is my daughter’s wedding to prevent me from being there to be part in this joyous event with my only and beloved daughter,” he said in the videotaped message. Nevertheless, he added, “I promise today that as I was always with her, I will always remain by her side and I will celebrate with her and bless this wedding and I tell her that there are thousands of prisoners who were not able to take part in the joyous events of their children.”

Ghaith lashed out at the Israeli decision against him, saying, “What we see is nothing more than brutality, bullying, and vindictiveness, not based on any laws or any moral or human values. However, we will continue on this path until we gain our freedom, independence and have our own state.”

Source: Palestinian News & Info Agency

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