Occupation forces close al-Shuhada Street in Hebron, entrances to Nablus-area village

HEBRON: Israeli forces Friday closed the entrance of al-Shuhada Street in the southern West Bank city of Hebron, preventing Palestinian locals from reaching their homes.

Local sources told WAFA that Israeli soldiers closed the al-Shuhada checkpoint in the center of Hebron and reinforced their presence near the checkpoint, preventing citizens from crossing to reach their homes. Forces also took over the rooftops of citizens’ homes in the Bab Az- Zawiya area.

Forces also erected military checkpoints in Ras al-Jura and Farsh Al Hawa areas northwest of Hebron, searching Palestinian-registered vehicles and checking the identity cards of passengers.

In Nablus, Israeli forces closed the eastern and northern entrances to the village of Madama to the south.

The Head of the Madama village council, Abdallah Ziyada, told WAFA that forces closed the eastern and northern entrances, erected military checkpoints and prevented residents from entering and exiting the village.

The village has been subjected to periodic blo
ckades of its entrances by the Israeli forces, obstructing the movement of its residents.

Since 7 October 2023, the Israeli authorities have imposed severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, including Jerusalem.

Source: Palestine news & Information Agency – WAFA