PLO and Fatah official Hussein al-Sheikh: Central Council drew a roadmap for the next stage

The recent meeting of the Palestinian Central Council, the second-highest decision-making body in the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), drew a roadmap for the next stage, today said Hussein al-Sheikh, member of the PLO’s Executive Committee and Fatah’s Central Committee and head of the General Authority of Civil Affairs in the Palestinian Authority.

“Some of the most important political and national outcomes of the Central Council of PLO is the development of a comprehensive roadmap based on the Council’s decisions that set the parameters of the next stage,” he said in a tweet.

“This requires a clear methodology founded on the unity of all Palestinians to protect the national project, through comprehensive and bilateral national dialogues that must be initiated immediately,” said the Palestinian official.

The Central Council held its 31st session last week in Ramallah during which it decided to suspend the recognition of Israel until it recognizes the State of Palestine on the June 4, 1967, lines with East Jerusalem as its capital, and halts settlement activity. It also affirmed the cessation of all forms of security coordination with Israel.

Source: Palestinian News & Information Agency