UPDATE: Palestinians injured during clashes across occupied West Bank

WEST BANK, Sunday, May 16, 2021 (WAFA) – Four Palestinians were shot and injured with live ammunition, and many others suffocated during clashes that broke out with Israeli forces across various parts of the occupied West Bank, according to medical and local sources.
Clashes were reported north of Bethlehem in ‘Aida refugee camp, where many people suffered from suffocation due to inhaling tear gas fired by the Israeli army. They were all treated at the scene.
In the southern West Bank, clashes were reported in Jenin’s town of Tura with one person in his 20s shot by a live bullet in the leg.
Settlers, backed by Israeli soldiers, reportedly attacked with stones Palestinian resident’s homes in Silet al-Harithiyah village, north of Jenin, leading to clashes. The forces who provided the settlers with protection used live ammunition towards the town residents to disperse them.
Meanwhile, a Palestinian youth was shot and injured in the chest during clashes that broke out at Huwwara military checkpoint to the south of Nablus. Many others were treated from tear-gas suffocation.
In Hebron, Two youth were shot and injured in the foot; one with live ammunition and the other with rubber-coated steel bullets, and dozens of others suffocated by tear gas fired by Israeli army soldiers during clashes that broke out in central Hebron city.
Similar clashes were also witnessed in the town of Beit Ummar to the north of Hebron, during which forces used live bullets stun grenades, and tear gas canisters against residents, causing dozens to suffocate.
The clashes erupted in protest against the Israeli occupation forces’ ongoing onslaught on Gaza and on Arab Palestinians inside Israel.

Source: Palestinian News & Info Agency (WAFA)

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