Saudi media more Zionized than Zionists, immorally show enmity to resistance

We never expected that major Islamic countries such as Saudi Arabia would be hostile to the Palestinian or Lebanese resistance or any resistance movement that stands in the face of the Zionist enemy entity, the cancerous gland planted in the Middle East. Rather, we did not expect that the hostility to the resistance would reach a level of immorality.

Just as Gulf regimes – such as Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, and others – were hostile to the Muslim Brotherhood, these regimes did the same thing to the Islamic resistance in Gaza, namely Hamas which they consider a branch of the Brotherhood, and not for any other consideration. They were also hostile to Hezbollah and anyone who points the arms at the Zionist enemy.

After Gulf and Arab normalization processes with the Zionist enemy entity was accelerated, by signing the “Abraham” Accords, the Gulf media, the Saudi in particular, increased this hostility to Hamas and stood with the Zionist enemy directly and indirectly, covering the wars of May 2021 war and Octo
ber 2023, where it equated the owner of the land (the victim) with the occupier (the executioner), and even became more Zionized than the Zionists themselves.

The Saudi Zionized media, both visual and written, did not address the “Al-Aqsa Flood” battle except to reveal the truth of the hatred for the Palestinian resistance, for no reason other than that it is an “Islamic” resistance affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood, even if it was defending the dignity of the Arabs and the normalization regimes through this operation, but rather saved Saudi Arabia from falling into the pit of normalization without a price.

The Saudi media, especially the “Al-Arabiya”, Al-Hadath and MBC channels and the “Asharq Al-Awsat” and Okaz newspapers, did not only stand with the Zionist aggression by using immoral terms that depict the genocide in Gaza as an “escalation of violence in the Middle East”, but they sought to spread a spirit of frustration that Gaza is finished and that Hamas leaders must surrender themselves or leav
e Gaza, despite the fact that all indications since the first day of the “Al-Aqsa Flood” battle suggested the defeat of the Zionist enemy.

The Saudi media also used the terms “militants” and “terrorists” as if it disdains calling the Qassam fighters “resistance fighters” or “mujahedeen”. Still, the Saudi media’s distortion of facts turned what the Palestinian resistance did from humiliating the occupier and its Americans and western supporters into “absurd behavior, political recklessness, wrong policy, moody calculations and void bets”.

The only accusation directed at Hamas and its leadership was that it moved at a request of Iran, although Iran denied it and Hamas confirmed that it did not inform its plan even to its forces preparing for the operation until immediately before the move and only its senior leaders knew about the plan.

Al-Arabiya channel and Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper focused on holding Iran responsible for what the spokesman for the Zionist enemy army, Avichay Adraee, dubbed as “Hamas’ brut
ality” or labeled the Movement as ISIS and Nazism!!

Observers say that the Saudi media exploited the earthquake seen by Gaza at all levels to target Hamas, Iran and Hezbollah, questioning the effectiveness of the heroic miraculous operation carried out by the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Battalions.

It seems that the performance of Al-Arabiya and Al-Hadath channels was suspicious in their handling of all the Gaza wars, as they adopted the Zionist point of view and reported on the demolition of homes and the killing of Palestinians as “mutual violence”. This suspicious role escalated in the “Al-Aqsa Flood” to the point of attacking Hamas leaders.

The Saudi channels also cast doubt on the barbaric bombardment targeting the Baptist Hospital – which claimed the lives of no less than 500 patients and citizens present at the time of the bombing – demanding to wait for the results of investigation, even though the channel’s correspondents were at the scene. Later, they adopted the Zionist narrative that a Palestinian mis
sile was the one that bombed the hospital and not Israeli aircraft!!

When the well-known media figure Dawood Al-Sharyan tried to expose Al-Arabiya’s coverage of the current events in Gaza, describing it as “too small to express Saudi Arabia’s position, its viewership is low, it practices dull political propaganda and is a precedent in professional stupidity”, he was severely attacked. Then he retracted his opinion less than 24 hours later, apologized to the channel and deleted what he said!! It is believed that the reason for his retraction was the pressure he was subjected to by the Saudi authorities.

Meanwhile, the newspaper “Asharq Al-Awsat” took on the task of distorting the Hamas Movement through its writers’ articles, news and reports, and promoted a victory of the Zionist entity, arguing that Hamas did not benefit from the war except the destruction of Gaza. It was noteworthy that the newspapers of the Zionist entity expressed their admiration for what “Asharq Al-Awsat” was doing, just as they did wi
th Al-Arabiya.

The content produced by the Saudi media during the Zionist aggression on the Gaza Strip following Al-Aqsa Flood was clear in its support, in one way or another, for the Zionist recent barbaric aggression on the Gaza Strip.

According to an analysis by the Iran Press International News Agency, the Saudi media exploited promotional and propaganda tools and employed elements such as text, sound and image, within the method of repetition and follow-up to confirm that Hamas, in declaring this war, had bypassed the Palestinian Authority – the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people – and had entered the war without the knowledge of Arab countries such as Egypt and Jordan.

In a desperate attempt to defend Saudi positions biased towards the Zionist entity, Saudi media figure Dawood Al-Sharyan launched a violent attack on Al-Jazeera, accusing the channel of having a record full of “disasters”, and warning against the consequences of “harassing” Al-Arabiya.

This came at a time when Ar
ab popular anger is increasing towards Saudi channels such as Al-Arabiya and Al-Hadath, which are facing accusations of promoting the narratives of the Zionist enemy about its brutal aggression on Gaza.

The Saudi channel MBC recently broadcast a report entitled (The Millennium of Eliminating Terrorists), in which it mentioned leaders from Al-Qaeda and ISIS, and included among them leaders from the Hamas Movement such as Martyrs Yahiya Sinwar, Ismail Haniyah, and Saleh al-Arouri, in addition to leaders from the Lebanese Hezbollah such as Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah and Fouad Shukr, who were assassinated by the Zionist enemy, as well as leaders from the Yemeni Ansar Allah group.

The Saudi newspaper Okaz also sparked widespread controversy on social media following an article on the top of the front page talking about the martyrdom of Hamas leader Yahiya Sinwar entitled (Israel pursues Sinwar and Haniyah.. Hamas without a head).

Social media users launched a broad attack on the paper, and controversy was raised a
gain about the media coverage of the war on Gaza.

It seems, through the coverage of some Saudi and Arab media outlets, that the psychological war on the resistance is no longer being conducted from Tel Aviv alone, but from the capitals of Arab countries that are supposed to support the Palestinians’ right to their battle with the Zionist occupier, which does not hide its ambition to tear the region apart and control it either by arms or influence.

It is worth noting that the goal of this Zionized media lies in trying to present the Zionist entity as oppressed and persecuted and portraying the Palestinian resistance factions as aggressors. Instead of focusing on the destruction in Gaza, their efforts are channeled to portraying the occupier as a “victim” and Hamas as aggressor targeting the civilians and residential areas in “Israel”.

There is another goal of this media policy, which is trying to “discredit” the Palestinian resistance factions and trying to portray that Gaza suffered this catastrophe becaus
e of the resistance, and that it is responsible for this disaster.

Source: Yemen News Agency